Helping the Cirencester Community Thrive

The Cirencester Community Development Trust exists to support projects, initiatives and ideas from our wonderful town for the benefit of the people and businesses in Cirencester and the surrounding area. We do this by providing management and funding support to local projects and events.
If you have a project you’d like to disucss with us, please us the Contact Us link below.
Culture Heritage & Tourism
The Culture, Heritage and Tourism group provides a forum and focus for joined-up thinking and manages the collation of event information for Cirencester and the surrounding area.
Business & Innovation
The activities of the Business, Innovation and Skills group have been designed to improve employment opportunities in Cirencester by creating working partnerships, networks and events, to support the creation of new business, drive business engagement with community events, and provide access to business opportunities for the whole community.Â
Youth & events
Developing young people and supporting them to learn new skills and gain new qualifications, enabling young people to take ownership of projects.Â
What we do
The CCDT exists to support projects, initiatives and ideas to benefit the people and businesses in Cirencester and the surrounding area.
Who we are
The Cirencester Community Development Trust exists to facilitate, initiate and manage projects to help the people of Cirencester and the immediate surrounding area thrive.
Get involved
Cirencester is full of events and projects, so why not get involved. If you are wanting to get more involved in volunteering your time, then please get in touch.
Cirencester Community Awards 2023
Enter now to celebate all the charities, organisations, community groups and individuals who do so much to support our fantastic town!
Brought to you by Cirencester Radio and Cirencester Community Development Trust

Latest projects
Love Cirencester
Whether you are a community group, a resident or a local business, we are all part of the Cirencester community which binds us together. We should pull together particularly when the going gets tough. Love Cirencester and it will love you back!
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